Love Tarotscope For December
Hello ladies and gentlemen! It’s Christmas season and we are all dying to know what will become of our little hearts during this cold month of December am I right? Search your zodiac sign in the list below and get an idea about the energies that will be surrounding your love life this December! Ready? Let’s get started!
Aries – Four Of Swords
It looks like December is going to bring calm to your love life. For those in a partnership, you are advised to take some time on your own to look after yourselves so you can go back to your relationships fully energized! Complicated relationships may not evolve for better or for worse during this month and it can be a bit of an uneventful time for the single Arians in the search for a couple! Enjoy some “me time”.
Taurus – Knight Of Swords
Speak your mind fearlessly! Communication is a struggle for many couples and sometimes we get mad because our significant other doesn’t know what’s going on in our heads. Speak about your issues, hopes and expectations with your partner openly and see how things improve! Taurus going through a break-up may encounter some harsh words from their ex-partners if attempting a reconciliation. As for the singles: Time to get out there and see the market!
Gemini – Queen Of Pentacles
It is a lucky moment for the Gemini in a relationship! You will have the opportunity to work in your relationship and make it stronger and more solid than ever. If you’ve been going through a crisis, it will meet its end during the month of December. Complicated relationships will show their true colours and the single ones will have a golden opportunity to meet that special someone. Interested in someone at work? Let them know, you may get a surprise.
Cancer – Three Of Wands
Time to open your minds, Cancers! Explore new adventures with your partner, try to make plans that you have never tried before or even do something new between the sheets! It will make your relationship vibe! If you are in a “situationship” the Three of Wands suggests that it is probably not exclusive, search for hints. Single Leos will have a blast! Your attractive is on fire and it is an awesome moment to meet new people.
Leo – The Wheel Of Fortune
Christmas can be an emotional period and as well, very energetically draining with all the To-Dos to complete before the year ends! Your relationship may go through some ups and downs but it will be temporary, do not make a mountain out of a grain of sand. Someone from your past may make a comeback, although it may not be who you imagine, avoid taking it too seriously though, at least until Mercury goes direct!
Virgo – Nine Of Wands
Dear Virgo, you’re a perfectionist and sometimes it can make you frustrated. Don’t be too hard on yourself and know that your feelings are valid. However; Avoid taking that frustration home if possible and above-all, mind who you pay it with, it can bring you trouble with your partner. Complicated relationships for Virgos are not going through their best moment, and the single ones are likely to be too busy with other responsibilities for the month.
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Libra – Six Of Pentacles
What a wonderful card for a Libra to get! The Six of Pentacles is all about generosity and reciprocity! Your relationship can thrive this month, particularly if you two put some effort on it. Don’t be afraid to give, for your partner will answer! If you are in a complicated romantic situation, you could get a little closer this month, however, do not over-invest and give in the measure you’re given to ensure that things go smoothly.
Scorpio – King Of Pentacles
Money can be an issue for you and your partner! Watch your spending and make sure that you are consulting each other before making a big expense or things could get tense! Also, this is a call to be mindful about how you deal with your material resources this month, for they could bring problems later on. Those in difficult relationships may feel disappointed when their love interest puts work over them. They won’t be very accessible.
Sagittarius – Ten Of Wands
You work really hard to meet everyone’s expectations and if you’re not met with the same consideration you may be disappointed. If you’re having a grand gesture with your partner make sure that it is genuine and you have no hidden agenda or you could be disappointed with what they do in return. Exes are not up for the talk and it will be complicated to make progress in relationships that are not very clear.
Capricorn – The Magician
Your relationship has everything it needs to take things to the next level! You are a great match and with a bit of mutual work this can be really built to last! If you are in a difficult relationship, beware, while they may seem like a good match, they may not be entirely honest with you. Same with new relationships and single Capricorns: Remember that not all that shines is gold! You may meet someone promising who turns out to be very different than they seemed.
Aquarius – Nine Of Pentacles
Expect to be spoilt by your partner! With the holiday season right around the corner, they are very likely preparing something big for you! It is a happy time to be in a relationship and details and romance will awaken this month. Those that are single are in a great moment to show off their wonderful nature and let themselves be known, there will be some action this December, although it may not be long lasting.
Pisces – Judgement
Although Judgement is a card that tends to put people and it this case partnerships to test, it also indicates that obstacles can be overcome and that this is a good opportunity to leave the past behind and build something new and more resistant. It can be a challenging time for the Pisces in general, but after it’s over it will give you a clear idea about what to do next, be it taking things to the next level with your partner or considering other options.
Happy Holidays everyone!
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