Honoring Your Feelings
As much as we want to remain positive and be happy, there are times when our feelings cannot be denied and we are faced with what we consider to be “negative” feelings. Currently, we live in a day and age in which, particularly in the spiritual circles, it is almost taboo to admit that we are having feelings that are not aligned with love, positivity and happiness, and the truth is that this can get a bit toxic sometimes.
Each and every feeling that we have has a reason, a cause, and is a part of a whole. Those “negative” feelings are just as relevant, necessary and legitimate as the “positive” ones, and there are times when we are made feel that we are doing something wrong for admitting that we are feeling anger, sadness, loneliness or despair.
These feelings are not pretty, and are difficult to confront. In fact, there are in many cases avoided. When we are feeling angry or sad it feels like it is an illness that we want to get rid of as soon as it is humanely possible. But what happens when we ignore our feelings on behalf of positivity and optimism?
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Restricting our feelings doesn’t usually end well. In the same way that we find it difficult to restrict feelings of love or happiness, it is just as difficult to restrict our anger or our sadness, and ignoring the feeling or trying to cover it up only leads to a build-up that can crumble at any given point.
What to do then? The key is to honor our feelings without getting carried away by them. It is legit to be mad because you have been wronged, and it is right for you to feel your feeling. In fact, feeling it, will allow you to release it sooner, because you are admitting and honoring a part of yourself and your experience, and by going through it, you are able to complete its cycle.
When you are feeling sad, it is okay to be alone and cuddle up in your sofa if that is what you need, as it is okay to call a friend and ask them to bring a pint of ice-cream to spend the evening talking about it. Whatever works for you, whatever you need, is the right way.
By honoring your feelings, either those that can be labeled as positive or those labeled as negative, you are partaking in the whole human experience. It is all a matter of balance. Light cannot exist without darkness and vice-versa, so next time you feel ashamed for your feelings, take a deep breath and let it flow through you until you are ready to release it.
Ask for guidance or help if you need it! And remember that every experience brings wisdom.
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