Creative Planning of the Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles, like all the Pages in the tarot deck, bring opportunities of new beginnings, creative ideas and inspiration for new projects. Pentacles have the energetic rule over our material possessions, rewards of money, wealth and career success directly connected to the groundwork you put into it and seeing your creations finally move forward. Whether it be a new relationship, a big financial unexpected windfall or finally being free from a past on-going health issue, the rewards will be showing up.

When the Page of Pentacles appears, you are ready to receive prosperity in many new ways, whether that be materialistic, emotional, or a new romance. There is an underlying excitement until the actual event arrives. A sense that something really great is getting ready to happen. Can’t quite put your finger on it, often making you feel restless about your present situation. Patience is the key word here, as all good things come in their own timing, directly attached to your belief system and faith that speeds things up, slowing it down or horrors of all horrors, missing it altogether because of holding onto a hopeless state of energy for the future.

The Page of Pentacles reversed is encouraging you to continue to explore and work on your dream job, business project or new romance. It is all in your head and heart at this point but when reversed, it advises to be more prepared. Don’t just jump into a new chapter of your life without doing some of the necessary research, asking for divine assistance and just plain rolling up your sleeves and doing whatever is necessary to make your dreams happen. It may look great on paper and in daydreaming, but if you don’t put the muscle into it, that is exactly where it will stay…. on paper or wishful thinking. The Page of Pentacles reversed invites you to learn from your past mistakes in order to successfully do things different this time.

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In general, the Page of Pentacles is exuberant energy that will keep you connected to your dreams while you are dealing with whatever grunt work is needed to get there. It keeps you focused, courageous and willing to put your big girl pants on to do whatever is necessary to see your dreams come to fruition.

Career, Love, Money, Health, Spirituality

Career: The Page of Pentacles can sometimes represent feelings of being overwhelmed with what you presume is expected of you, career wise. Organization, baby steps and a system of feeling somewhat in control can get you through that energy of going in 20 different directions and still feeling like you have got nothing done. Ask for assistance if you need it, it’s always there in some form or another.

Love: If you’ve been in a long-term relationship, when the Page of Pentacles appears, you might be feeling some of the spark is missing. Every relationship has periods where you suddenly feel ghosted by your partner or the excitement of being with them has gone somewhat stale, maybe it is time to make some serious choices whether it’s worth working on. If in the market for a new love, let your creative imagination make space for that new person, letting go of any stale leftover energy from an ex.

Money: With regard to finances, the Page of Pentacles points to rolling up your sleeves and putting a little sweat and effort into getting what you want, doing an honest appraisal of what you can do and what you are working towards. This is not a time to take chances with your career. If you strongly feel you are being unappreciated for your hard work and skills, maybe it is time to move on.

Health: If any health issues have cropped up for you and the Page of Pentacle shows up, it always points to an underlying emotional issue that has not been addressed and showing up in your physical body. Unfortunately, many children are brought up in an environment the only time they were given attention was when they were sick, so we have a deep core imprint. See if there might be a pattern when feeling overwhelmed or unappreciated, you come down with a cold or break your foot. Approach it as a physical issue first and then an emotional issue second. Ask for the help you need on both levels.

Spirituality: Since the Page of Pentacles is about new creation, and you are feeling a little “Ho-hum” about the whole meditation prayers, God and Angel connection, you are suffering from spiritual malaise and now would be a good time to re-evaluate what excited you in the beginning and possibly go back to the basics. Or look into some new viewpoints of spirituality that you have never considered before.

Susan Z’s Verdict

The drawing of the Page of Pentacles always is an indication that new exciting changes are right around the corner. Changes that you put energy into. You can manifest but it is in the doing and manifesting energy that makes things happen. Oh! And don’t forget to ask the universe for help. We do NOTHING on our own, without a little help from our benefactors.

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.



Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.


  1. Crystal Lynn Murphy

    Oh my..on point exactly!!!!! all I can say