Searching For Balance With The Two of Pentacles Tarot

When the Two of Pentacles shows up in a card spread, it is a good indication that you are spreading yourself a little too thin with your priorities at the moment. The Two of Pentacles reminds you that trying to juggle too many goals and expect them all to balance out can bring you to a point of feeling that everything is out of balance.

The Two of Pentacles often shows up when life is over the top busy and to even slow down for a movie with your children, romantic time with your partner or pampering time for yourself, seems impossible. You are rushing from one thing to the next, without really being aware of the time you are putting in. This card is a reminder to do a little priority time management and learning to say no when you DON’T have the time to pick someone up at the airport or their dry cleaning, just because you are going right by it.

In reversed position, the Two of Pentacles will give you a heads up that you are now over-committed in trying to either please everyone (or just someone) with an impossible schedule; leaving your own needs out of the equation. The stress might just put you in a position that what you usually excelled at, you are now dropping the ball. You may find that you have become a workaholic and your family or partner feel left out of the picture altogether. Short spurts of this over-zealousness can be made up with quality time but if it becomes a way of life, you just may find that it HAS become your life and what you held dear, could not deal with the isolation anymore.

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In general, the two main issues of balance with the Two of Pentacles, are knowing when to pull back from trying to do too many things at once and learning how to prioritize responsibilities. If you are looking for balance in every area of your life; recognizing what is out of balance sometimes can be difficult when you have fixated goals in mind.

Career: If employed, try to stay out of the “Peter Principal” by volunteering extra hours for projects that put you past your stress marker. The Peter Principle is “if you are doing your job well, then you must not have enough to do.” If looking for a job, it may be time to take a risk and go for a position that makes you feel out of balance with your qualifications. A new career that reaches for more, will do wonders for your self-esteem and eventually bring into balance what you are really capable of.

Love: If you are in a committed relationship, don’t forget to spend quality time with them. Make sure your relationship remains a priority and if you have to say no to other commitments, then do so. If the extra effort is not made, you might find there is no relationship left. It doesn’t have to be made into a big project but be willing to make the time and effort so that your partner knows they are important to you. Singles, love won’t knock on your door while working late at night on the computer in your bathrobe. Get out there and mingle!

Money: The Two of Pentacles asks you to take a realistic look at what income you are bringing in and if it is in balance with what is going out. If you are struggling, you CAN find ways to cut back expenses. It may take some of your perks away but when the books finally balance out so that you can breathe easier, you know it was worth it. Cutting back is not necessarily completely cutting out, so don’t let your ego talk you out of making those small financial changes with the victim cry of; “NOOOOOOOOO, it’s my one guilty pleasure!” If you look carefully, you will find you have more guilty pleasures than you realized.

Health: Watch those long hours, fast food dinners and not leaving time for the strengthening and then quieting of your physical body. As this Irish saying sums it all up; “Our health is our wealth!” Learning how to balance the body’s needs is imperative to stay healthy.

Spirituality: There is always time to communicate with your Higher Self. The small day to day stuff will become irrelevant when you keep that continuous conversation going with the God Spark within to guide and help you so when the big decisions come, the answers are right there without much effort. Any verbal connection will get rusty if you don’t use it every day.

Susan Z’s Verdict

Trying to live a balanced life is probably one of the most difficult achievements we work on. The Two of Pentacles is definitely a reminder to do the best you can and always expect the unexpected to throw you off balance. The trick is to recognize when you do get energetically wonky, you will have the tools to bring it back to a peaceful foundation.

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.



Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.

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