New Relationships With Two Of Cups Tarot

Self-love is the message being shouted loud and clear when this card shows up. When the Two of Cups appears in your Tarot reading, it is usually an indication that a new romance is coming into your life. It is representative of young love that makes your heart skip a few beats. You will feel a new passion for living, for love, for fun and for adventure to return into your life again. If this is on a personal level, never make that one person responsible for making you feel loved in a way that if he is not there, you don’t feel loved at all. Your enthusiasm for life, joy and expecting the best for yourself will get you a great guy who wants to start something romantic with you and possibly long term.

If you are already romantically involved and the fun has slipped out of your relationship from when you were first together, start getting creative. Buy sex toys and books (no I’m not kidding!), do something racy and completely out of character for you. I saw a movie once where the wife was trying to bring the snap back into their sex life and met her husband at the door stark naked and served him dinner stark naked. It worked! If you want different, then YOU do something different! If you have the right partner, they will get the message and follow your lead. Women are sooooo much more creative that way than men are. Lol!

The reversed Two of Cups is about examining your own definition of self-love. Love, in any form, starts with you. Learning to love yourself unconditionally, flaws and all, you begin to appreciate, respect, accept and honor the authentic version of yourself. Notice I did not say the perfect version but AUTHENTIC! You are who you are, and if you want different, then only you can make that happen. Having self-love foundations, you will welcome a life of happiness as you fundamentally believe you deserve to be loved, you believe it and then you make it happen! If you cannot find hundreds of reasons to love yourself, that is what will reflect back to you. People will treat you without love and you will try harder and harder to get them to love you when you don’t even know what it is. This is the shadow side of the reversed Two of Cups. If you are involved in a relationship, it may signal a break-up might be looming in the future. That possibly might not be such a bad thing, making room for a better one.

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In general, the Two of Cups is showing you that things in your life are mostly going well at the moment or starting to take a turn for the better. Maybe not in all areas of your life, but you feel a sense of love, contentment and being cared for.

Career, Love, Money, Health, Spirituality

Career: Having the Two of Cups show up in your career arena, it indicates that you feel fairly appreciated for the work you do, even if you don’t particularly love your job. If looking for employment, it points out that a new job is showing up pretty quick.

Love: This card is all about loving relationships; true love, respectful and honored partnerships and commitment. What all of us are looking for, right? Whether it be in the romantic department, your career or family, never take anyone’s offer of love for granted. Treat them as you would want to be treated. There are no “double standards” with the Two of Cups. You receive what you are capable of giving.

Money: In relationship to finances, the Two of Cups indicates that you should look at your money position in life with balance and fairness. You will find that when this card comes up for you with money and finances, more than likely, all your needs are being met and possibly more. Prosperity consciousness is everything.

Health: If you are dealing with any health issues, the Two of Cups encourages you to find partnership in helping you heal. Whether it be in the medical arena or holistic, the point is to do something to improve your health that you might not have tried before.

Spirituality: Having a relationship with God or whomever you feel spiritually close to, is imperative for a happy life. We are not just set adrift in reincarnation without plenty of loving help and guidance. The Two of Cups encourages you to get “closer”. Usually your heart chakra is being worked on by your higher self and guides when this card shows up.

Susan Z’s Verdict

If the Two of Cups comes up for you in a reading, the universe is asking you to take inventory on your relationships. Review who brings you happiness in your life, what makes you happy and what your definition of happiness is and dump the rest! You may be surprised to find yourself looking at your life, friends, career and family a little differently, wanting more happiness and joy from them!

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.



Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.


  1. Thank you! I look forward to reading your stories their helpful positive and great! Please continue ??

  2. Penny baker

    I want to know how I can get my best friend,my lover,and my companion back in my life.this man is my little boys dad.i love this guy more than anything in this world..he is my sunshine in my morning and my moon and stars at can i make him understand how much I love him.and how much I need my life.he makes me happy.he completes my world.without him I am lost alone and very the saddest person in this world.i need him back in my life.

  3. Susan Z

    7th Sense always appreciates your input on our articles. Unfortunately we are unable to answer specific questions here on the stories board but if you would like to contact one of our amazing psychics they would be happy to help and may just have the
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    Thank you also Patti, for your positive feedback on the forecasts!