Avoidance And Deception Of The Seven Of Swords Tarot
The Seven of Swords indicates a person or energy thought form of avoidance, betrayal, deception and trickery. It could be you feeling betrayed consistently or you trying to pull a fast one on those within your inner circle. Feeding the illusion to others that you are just not catching any breaks in life when most of your bad luck is your unwillingness to face up to what you don’t want to do or deal with. It could be your own relationships with you always being the one who is cheated on or betrayed or you having to face up to the truth about how you deal with relationships. You or someone you are involved with, carry the energy of “all’s fair in love and war”, meaning that you or they will do whatever it takes (even at the expense of others being hurt) to get their desires met at the moment.
The Seven of Swords showing up reversed could also imply that you are trying to escape from a situation that is not working for you anymore and rather than dealing with it head-on, you may attempt to run away from that commitment, responsibility, hard work or love. You have the ability to procrastinate, letting problems become worse because you do not want to deal with them. Sometimes you just have to face what has to be faced.
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In general, the Seven of Swords is a card of inner deceit, keeping secrets hidden from others and avoidance within yourself. You are not dealing with a negative situation that disrupts your life on a daily basis.
Career, Love, Money, Health, Spirituality
Career: The appearance of the Seven of Swords can indicate your work and conduct may be under question and you are being watched closely. It doesn’t necessarily mean that your employer is zeroing in you out to fire but it would be a good time to try and be the super employee until the dust settles. A possible theft or unfavorable rumors that need to be cleared up and see who is actually responsible. It feels more political versus being personal.
Love: If you’re already in a committed relationship, trust is coming up as a big red flag. If there is reason to be suspicious of your partner’s behavior, talk it out first before any accusations start flying. Communication is crucial in order to see if there is really something to question one’s loyalty to you or is it your own insecurities seeing ghosts of the past. If looking for a partner, try and not let unfounded suspicions from past relationship ruin this one before it even has a chance to get started.
Money: When the Seven of Swords shows up, this is definitely not the time to stretch your luck in any way. No loaning money, regardless of what the situation is. Watching your own spending habits also. Don’t delude yourself into believing that “the money will somehow show up and fall out of the sky like manna.” Saying no to a request to someone in need is a tough decision. If you won’t miss it, whether it is paid back or not, then go ahead but if the money is something you are counting on being paid back so YOU can make rent, take a pass. The list is long and hits on so many emotional and spiritual levels of how you will feel you betrayed yourself and was betrayed.
Health: Your banner cry for any health issues when this card shows up is: “Get a second or third opinion!” Don’t take the first pronouncement you hear about your health as the only option. Be open to healing on all levels, for that is what it takes to become truly healthy and well.
Spirituality: When you see the Seven of Swords, it’s a no-brainer to be cautious when someone is promising that after you take his course, you will be able to walk on water and EVERYTHING will be fixed. Or, you need to schedule follow-up spiritual sessions for the rest of your life as you certainly will never be able to grow and become enlightened without his/her help every step of the way. Be very cautious about religious or spiritual gurus or leaders that require an exorbitant amount of money or a constant flow into their pocket in exchange for so-called enlightenment. Teachers are important and timing is everything, being there for you at the right time and right place but it can easily grow into dependency. Try to explore your new ideas and beliefs on your own with just a little help from your friends.
Susan Z’s Verdict
We all fall prey to someone at some point in our spiritual growth that we want them to have all the answers for you. Spiritual teachers, gurus, shamans and even your white robed sandaled flim-flam man has something teach you. It is up to you to learn spiritual discernment between a desire to learn and grow and neediness.
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