Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your Interactive Tarot reading for the week. Every week you get to send a message to the universe to show what lies ahead for you when drawing a Tarot card for the upcoming week.
If you have never done this kind of reading before, it is very simple. I have always loved readings where you pick your own cards and let the cards chose the answers for you.
Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy. Ready?
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for the week that carries your journey with it.
We have New Moon in Libra this week on Sunday the 27th. A Libra birth month along with the Libra new moon usually gives those born in this sign a high five where finances are concerned. There may also be some challenges along the way with unexpected expenses showing up around the third week of this month. But mostly, good luck follows this new moon for all the signs.
As you get closer to the new moon on the 27th, you will start seeing events and opportunities that open doors to new possibilities to re-create yourself and your life in a good way. The Tarot cards pulled for this week support good luck and victory, mostly centering around the fluctuation in your finances and those that are connected with them. People that support you, who you support or contribute financially in either a career situation or a personal relationship.
Finances always seeming to be the issue in question or the button being pushed, setting yourself up for arguments or disappointment. Being drawn into the energy that finances are always the problem. We know we can’t live without money and have a productive life but with the kind of energy for this week, make sure you keep a perspective, money IS only energy, ebbs and flows, passing back and forth between people and businesses. The universe is the biggest cash cow out there, take advantage of it by expecting you deserve and will get a piece of that prosperity. The universe certainly created it that way for you.
Tarot Card Draw #1: Six Of Wands
Yeh Six of Wands! It is the ultimate victory card and being pulled upright, it confirms that a good happening around your pocketbook is going to happen. Whether it be tied to your job (which most likely it will, as career is being focused on in the card pull. It could be a promotion, a raise, or getting a new job paying you much better than the old one. If not career related, your abundance could show up as an unexpected windfall (buy those scratch tickets, lol!) or an offer of help and assistance when you financially need it the most. Whatever the circumstances are, it will be a victory for you and staying on a winning streak for awhile.
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Tarot Card Draw #2: Knight of Swords
Now this Knight of Swords is always a pain in the ass! Just when you think things are going smoothly and you have a good handle on what your next financial moves for prosperity are coming from, he blind sides with unexpected chaos and drama. Now having said all that about this drama queen, it does not always pertain to a challenge or something to cause you unhappiness or discomfort. His energy is definitely chaotic energy but that could also mean something unexpected that can turn your life upside down to the better and more happiness in a blink of an eye. Such as a marriage proposal you didn’t see coming or a windfall, either large or small, that will bring excitement and opportunities to disrupt you daily ho-hum routine. Winning a cruise or an inheritance you were unaware of. So financial disruptive energy is not always a bad thing.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Two Of Pentacles
Once again, drawing the Two of Pentacles, we are in the financial zone of an up and down energy. With this Tarot card, it almost always is somehow connected to how you earn your living or how you finance your life. Being pulled upright, it is a good omen that whatever shows up or decisions you make or made for you where your financial security is tied to, it will turn out to be an advantage for you. It does not necessary always mean big windfalls or big raises but it can also mean you have unloaded a financial burden (such as dead-beat husband or boyfriend, a car that constantly needs repairs or finally saying no to friend or relative that is always borrowing money from you and never paying it back). So now you have more money at YOUR disposal.
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