Choose Your Tarot Card

Here is your Interactive Tarot reading for the week. If you have never done this kind of reading before, it is very simple. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy. Ready?

Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for the week that carries your journey with it.





Going into the week of April 6th, we are still in the first Astrology Wheel of Aries the Ram, until April 20th. Aries are enthusiastic about almost everything, but as we mentioned before, they are until they are not and have the capability of working a good “blame game”, as it certainly couldn’t be their fault or the consequences of their choices. They mostly have a positive attitude about life, that things will eventually work out.

They are also instantaneous initiators when a new idea appeals to them. We have a Full Moon on April 7th. Full Moons always heighten emotions and this Full Moon will be about the balancing of your personal power when it comes to love. This week you may have the desire to reach out to someone who needs a little emotional support or find yourself looking for reassurance. Giving and receiving unconditionally will be the motto of this month’s Full Moon.

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Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.


Tarot Card Draw #1: Knight of Pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles is a strong, reliable younger male energy when their mind is made up. Since we have a Full Moon energy centered around all levels of love, this young, energetic male may be someone already in your life or about to show up. If strength of character, solid future planners and someone you can always count on to be there for you, he would be the one…love, friendship or family. The down side is that they can be very, very, stubborn and do not have a particularly spontaneous personality. So, if you are looking for a party dude, he wouldn’t be a good choice for you. He is more of a stay at home guy, in front of the fireplace watching old movies, snuggled up in a nice soft blanket or barbecuing out in the back yard with close friends. Somewhere in this week’s agenda, this Knight of Pentacles will have some kind of influence in your life.

Tarot Card Draw #2: Five of Swords

Since we are talking about this week’s Full Moon and centered around the energy of love in all forms, the Five of Swords is an important card to draw to remind you to not let the people who love you and who you love, take advantage of you. It is a note to you that you should expect equal respect and loving behavior in the giving and receiving of love. In any situation of the heart, don’t let the fear of aloneness, (you are never truly alone) the awful awareness that you are begging someone to love you, pushing love away or allowing yourself to be manipulated or abused because of a deeply hidden belief that you might just be unlovable, this is the best you are going to get, so take it no matter what. On the upside, this may finally be the week you find the inner power to say what you have wanted to say without defending yourself, go after the cute guy you have been lusting over at work or finally get the nerve to tell your mother that you have never really liked her “special” spaghetti sauce that you grew up on and she has always been so proud of. Phew! Run for cover on that one!

Tarot Card Draw #3: Nine of Pentacles (Reversed)

The Nine of Pentacles is finally seeing the bounty of all your hard work showing up. You held up your end of the bargain you made with the universe if you laid down positive foundations of self-love, good results would show up. Not always in the form you expected, so the Nine of Pentacles was pulled in reverse, but still all the good things you have been internally working on. Those “gifts” showing up as confirmation that staying and focusing on your good outcome instead of what you don’t have or that you didn’t get the “BIG” you asked for. It’s will be a good week of being patted on the back by the Universe in some form.

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.



Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.

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