Choose Your Tarot Card

Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.


Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for the week that carries your journey with it.






Wednesday, August 5th, and we are still feeling the effects of the Full Moon from the 3rd. Since the Full Moon fell into Aquarius, this week will be bit of a roller coaster for emotional sensitivity within personal relationship and possibly being a little thin-skinned in general. Unless you absolutely know for sure that a disrespect has been solely aimed at you, try to bear in mind that everyone is dealing with their own drama and it may not be about you at all. Don’t own what is not yours this week. It’s a (Reversed) day, so expect the unexpected.

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Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.


Tarot Card Draw #1: Page of Wands (Reversed)

This is a young person’s energy of creativity and getting things done with the attitude that anything is possible, just because you are trying. Picking the Page of Wands today shows renewed vitality to move forward in whatever area is being addressed in your life at the moment. Since pulled reversed, you may have an unexpected ‘Aha’ moment helping you with a big dose of creative imagination for future change. This card is usually centered around personal issues, emotions or people that you hold close to the heart. Whether it be romantic, friendship, family or loving what you do in your career.

Tarot Card Draw #2: Ten of Wands (Reversed)

Picking the Ten of Wands for today indicates you are feeling an extra burden has been put on you in some situation. Whether you invited it or you reluctantly accepted it, the weight of extra responsibilities, frustrations and time is inevitably taking its toll on you. Pulling the card reversed shows it may be a day you make the choice to say: “Sorry, no I can’t help you this time, I have enough on my plate as it is… but, let me see if I can find someone who can”. You make a choice not to put more burden on yourself but still avoiding any guilt for saying no. It can also mean you have made a choice take on an extra burden of time or material funds to help someone unexpectedly, but you do it anyway.

Tarot Card Draw #3: Queen of Cups (Reversed)

I like seeing the Queen of Cups show up in any draw or reading. She carries the energy of feminine knowing, insight and psychic ability. If you have drawn her today, you will most likely be presented with a situation where your knowing instincts kick in to give you answers. That little prickly red flag that energetically reveals itself at the back of your neck (that would be my warning), letting you know that something ‘ain’t right’! Even if you can’t quite put your finger on it, follow your own instincts. They are rarely wrong and interfered with by the ego in the first 5 second count. After 5 seconds, your ego will kick open that door of doubt and then you let fear of making the wrong choice or let other influences cast a shadow over what you just felt as not quite right. Since pulled reversed, that energetic knowing will most likely come out of nowhere and normally, you would have no reason to doubt. Trust those tingly prickles on the back of your neck and at least question what you are being told or shown with your own questions of why, how and when?

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.



Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.

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