Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
I am sure that, at least once in your life, you have heard the phrase, “You make your own luck.” Most people simply blow that off as just another old and trite unsolicited advice. But there is really much more truth to that statement than people may realize. I often write about how we create that which we think. If you are constantly focused on what you do not have, then you are unknowingly continually drawing in more lack. But with a much more positive attitude toward money and work to see it as a bonus in your life, you are sending out the message welcoming more money to be coming your way.
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Tarot Card Draw #1: Two of Swords, reversed
If the Two of Swords turns up reversed in your daily tarot draw, you may have been knowingly or unknowingly allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by anxiety, worry, fear or stress. This may result in mental and/or emotional issues which will most likely lead to you not being able to make any decision at all, let alone the right decision. In addition to not being able to make a decision, the reversed Two of Swords may show up indicating delays or things being postponed either by you or another party directly involved. This card coming up in the reversed position may also be trying to bring your attention to someone (either yourself or another person) who is acting in an overly cautious manner or who is detached from an important situation, quite guarded or has been intentionally distant or just plain cold and uncaring. It can also indicate someone who is either unable or refusing to let go of resentment or anxiety as well as struggling with information overload. The reversed Two of Swords may be representative of a liar or lies being outed or exposed. Lastly, It can also indicate that you or someone you have been involved with on some level or whom you have been trying to work with is finally able to realize and understand the truth of a matter or situation following a time of mental confusion or detachment.
Tarot Card Draw #2: Knight of Pentacles
The Knight of Pentacles represents common sense, responsibility, practicality, working hard for what you want and finishing what you start. Among the varied awesome signs and indications of the Knight Of Pentacles is wishes being granted and dreams coming into existence. Two aspects of the more successful individual are perseverance as well as their own focused and determined effort. This card may turn up in your daily draw as a warning to take extra precautions to guard yourself, your own health and the health and well-being of those to whom you are closest. The Knight of Pentacles also talks a bit about securing and maintaining solid and firm boundaries. When speaking on a person, the Knight of Pentacles may be referring to an overly sensitive relative or another personal connection in your life. This person is most likely also highly conservative, organized to a fault, excellent with money and helping others succeed. Lastly, they may be a strong animal activist or hyper sensitive emotionally and very much an environmentalist. This person is also quite loyal and reliable as well as stable and patient. He is ambitious, hard-working, protective, conservative, honest and rather stubborn. Quite often, this young man may have great difficulties in showing emotion and this is most likely due to him having been raised primarily by a man who also had tremendous difficulty allowing their internal light to shine. The Knight shows he cares by working hard to provide for the people he loves much like the father or male role model in his life did.
Tarot Card Draw #3: The Sun
The Sun tarot card is a card of positivity, optimism, freedom and fun. In an upright position, The Sun also signifies good luck. Any problems you have been experiencing will melt away with the warmth this card brings. If you have been struggling with your own inner core being or facing some negativity, it tells you that if you take each challenge one step at a time, you will overcome your obstacles. You will find that people are drawn to the happy vibes and positive energy you are giving out and you will bring light and joy to everyone and everything you come into contact with. Through The Sun tarot card, it is being shown that you will soon experience the feeling of being liberated, set free or just plain released from a bad job, toxic home situation or any other negative experience. Your confidence in yourself will be at an all-time high; however, it’s not all coming up roses. If you have been the victim of lies or deception, The Sun is coming up to shine its light on the deceit to reveal the truth and the perpetrators of the lies. This tarot card may come up in your daily tarot draw heralding that you will very soon be moving into a much more positive and potentially quite powerful time in your life. You are entering into a time of great success. New opportunities will be coming your way and you will be full of optimism and enthusiasm.
Thank you for taking time to read the daily draw and post an appreciative comment. ?