Choose Your Tarot Card

Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.


Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.






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Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.

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Tarot Card Draw #1: Knight of Pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles represents common sense, responsibility, practicality, working hard for what you want and finishing what you start. Among the varied awesome signs and indications of the Knight Of Pentacles is wishes being granted and dreams coming into existence. Two aspects of the more successful individual are perseverance as well as their own focused and determined effort. This card may turn up in your daily draw as a warning to take extra precautions to guard yourself, your own health and the health and well-being of those to whom you are closest. The Knight of Pentacles also talks a bit about securing and maintaining solid and firm boundaries. When speaking on a person, the Knight of Pentacles may be referring to an overly sensitive relative or another personal connection in your life. This person is most likely also highly conservative, organized to a fault, excellent with money and helping others succeed. Lastly, they may be a strong animal activist or hyper sensitive emotionally and very much an environmentalist. This person is also quite loyal and reliable as well as stable and patient. He is ambitious, hard-working, protective, conservative, honest and rather stubborn. Quite often, this young man may have great difficulties in showing emotion and this is most likely due to him having been raised primarily by a man who also had tremendous difficulty allowing their internal light to shine. The Knight shows he cares by working hard to provide for the people he loves much like the father or male role model in his life did.

Tarot Card Draw #2: The Sun, reversed

If The Sun comes up reversed for you in a daily tarot draw or a full tarot reading, it is often to bring your attention to an overwhelming sadness around you, a rather pessimistic outlook or, more seriously, a deepening depression. This card is not to be taken lightly as it may well be trying to bring your attention to a more serious and quite negative mental or emotional situation. The Sun reversed does not usually speak of negative situations and/or circumstances that are out of your control. Rather this card will turn up for you to help you see where some changes need to be made, especially in your general thought process and overall outlook on either a single situation or several. Basically, The Sun reversed may turn up to tell you that you are bringing much of the negativity and harsh ramificatins on yourself. So, make a change. Rework your thought process and adopt a brighter, better outlook. Be more positive! Also, it is never too late to change. Focusing on the good and the positive may be quite difficult and will take much effort because by the time this card shows up for you, odds are good that your mind is already in that dark place. This card can also indicate a lack of enthusiasm for life, being unclear on the right path to take or being unable to see the way forward. The Sun reversed may show that you are letting negative energy/thoughts close you off to the happiness and joy that are all around you. You have the power to change this by simply allowing yourself to be open to the positive things that are coming your way and by finding gratitude for the good things in your life. Alternatively, The Sun reversed can also be an indicator of being overly enthusiastic or confident to the point that it becomes a negative trait. For example, you may be being so overly confident that you are actually becoming egotistical or arrogant. Or you may be so enthusiastic about achieving your goals that you haven’t stopped to check if they are actually realistic.

Tarot Card Draw #3: Justice, reversed

In a daily draw, Justice may turn up reversed for you to indicate you are being judged too harshly or unfairly. Conversely, this card may also indicate you are doing just that to someone else. It is very possible you may even be holding someone to an unrealistic standard. When facing any legal matters, be warned that things will most likely not turn out in your favor and if you have been engaging in any illegal or immoral matters, you will most likely very soon be held accountable. The ramifications indicated by reversed Justice are not limited to the physical world. It can also signal that you may be planting some quite negative karmic seeds that will eventually come back to bite you on the butt. If you have been lying to anyone or engaging in any deceptive behavior, reversed Justice will come up to let you know that you are really not fooling anyone. Stop the deception, fess up and deal with the fall out. Lesson learned. Do not try to deflect the blame or avoid the consequences because you will only be delaying the inevitable. Justice delayed is not necessarily justice denied. Your words and/or actions will catch up to you in some way eventually. Among the most important indicators of Justice, reversed, is that you or someone in your circle has adopted a quite prejudicial attitude or has been acting with great prejudice toward others. Learn to accept and respect the differences of others.

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.

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Having attained Master Level at Mediumship, Tarot, Energy Work and general Psychic Readings, Tamara (Tami) has a great many years’ experience as a Spiritual Counselor, Psychic, Tarot Reader and Medium also. She is highly skilled at Numerology, Auras, Past Lives and Chakras and can help you determine your own psychic abilities; she is remarkably adept at simple questions as well as those most in-depth. As an award-winning writer with more than 45 years’ experience, Tamara (Tami) has provided original works to 7thsense on various subjects and writes the Daily Tarot Draw.

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