Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
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Tarot Card Draw #1: Knight of Pentacles, reversed
The image on the Knight of Pentacles often evokes thoughts of success as we see a relatively young figure holding a large coin (pentacle) astride a gorgeous and regal steed. When this card comes up reversed for you as it did today, it indicates the very opposite. If you find yourself seeking answers about the character and possibilities of a potential new love interest and you get this card reversed in your daily draw, it is a warning to run, quickly, far away. Reversed, this card speaks of a person who is generally quite lazy and always taking full credit for the hard work and efforts of others. It can signify one who is given to extreme gambling and always looking to make a quick and easy dollar, usually at the expense of someone else. For a potential love interest, it indicates one of whom you will have to always take care financially and in every other way such as around the home as this person will not lift a finger to cook or wash a single dirty dish or article of clothing. If you are not seeking answers about a potential new love or other individual in your life such as your own child or a deadbeat parent and the Knight of Pentacles turns up reversed for you, it is as though it is holding up a mirror to your own behavior. How have you been acting in your professional life? How do you treat others, especially those who could potentially benefit you in some way? This card urges you to step it up and work hard, making an honest living through honest means and not at the expense of anyone else in any way be it through robbing, cheating or simply taking credit when it is not due you. Work hard. Make your own money. Take care of your own obligations.
Tarot Card Draw #2: King of Pentacles, reversed
The King of Pentacles appears reversed representing the absolute worst qualities of man. This card speaks of perpetually angry, dark and overly negative people as well as very bad businessmen and individuals with extremely poor judgement, just to scratch the surface. This card is usually pointing toward an obstinate and very negative individual in your life, but on rare occasions it will turn up in your daily draw to bring your attention to some of your own questionable thoughts, actions or words. If you do not immediately think of anyone in your life to whom this reversed gentleman could apply, then step back and take a long, hard look at yourself in the mirror. How have you been treating others? Are you making the best possible decisions for yourself and those for whom you are responsible? Reversed King of Pentacles speaks of acting without thinking and always acting in your own personal interest at the expense of others. It indicates poor judgement, impracticality and a great lack of morals. If you find yourself indulging in gambling, excessive drinking or drug abuse, this card will pop up in your daily draw to hopefully bring your attention to that. It would also turn up for someone who is losing, or already has lost, their grip on reality. It represents the darkest and most destructive of mental illness such as narcissism and borderline personality disorder. It will often turn up when you are in the midst of a child abuser or someone who takes liberties with those weaker than themselves such as physically abusing a partner or verbally assaulting those considered less-than in their own minds. The person behind this card is frequently an older male and one who is hyper-critical of others, corrupt and flat out ruthless, a serial cheater in business as well as personal matters. When matters of the heart are involved, this card speaks of the darkest aspects of a romantic relationship such as infidelity, jealousy, manipulation or a controlling, obsessive partner. It would also be turning up to warn you that someone expressing a romantic interest in you may not have the best of intentions and may be looking to take advantage of you in some way. If you already suspect questionable behavior on the part of your current romantic partner and this card turns up in your daily draw, it is to signify that you are on the right track in your thought process and are right to question this person. It may be to help you realize you are in a grossly imbalanced relationship with a romantic interest, coworker, coparent or even a family member. Examples of this would be a coworker who does not carry their own weight but rather relies on the hard work and efforts of everyone else and frequently takes credit for your work. It would indicate a personal relationship in which you may be carrying the full burden of financially supporting the other person, doing all of the housework, cooking, caring for children, and the like. In a coparent situation, it could suggest your fellow coparent is always making you out to be the bad guy.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Four of Swords, reversed
The reversed Four of Swords could not be a more perfect card when talking about the global pandemic. It speaks of getting back out in the world, seeking support, a loss of faith and a mental breakdown due to isolation and an overpowering negativity. It speaks of extended periods of isolation and will frequently turn up when looking at a person given to bouts of extreme depression and suicidal thoughts. It also could be drawn indicating healing from such situations is around the corner and well within your grasp. While it does have some positive properties and indicators similar to recovery from a severely dark mental state, more often than not it is a warning of how far one may have allowed themselves to sink be it you or someone within your innermost circle. If you are concerned about someone’s mental health and this card turns up in your daily draw, heed it and reach out to that person. Simply checking on them would not be enough, though. You need to follow up and visually see them more than once to gauge their mental health and just how dark and negative life has become for them, or, more importantly, how they perceive it. For you, personally, it would indicate extremely high stress and anxiety levels and that you may be headed toward a mental breakdown. It would not be so much about depression for the person drawing the card, but more so about how that person is viewing their career, business and finance. You are worrying too darn much and it is taking a tremendous toll on you physically and mentally and may soon result in a complete loss of your faculties. If you get this card and are not worrying about or looking into someone else, then you may want to take an objective look at your own daily routine and how you view the bigger aspects of your life such as how you make your regular source of income or if you are facing a major financial decision or possibly a lack of financial security. It could be urging you to adopt more of an exercise routine to help you release stress. It may herald a growing restlessness with your current job or a personal relationship. Recovery and healing are possible, but you must first step outside yourself and adopt a much more objective view of your situation and any possible outcomes. It will take considerable effort, but it is possible. The indicators of the reversed Four of Swords are much more positive when looking at love and close personal relationships. It often heralds a healing, getting back on track and recovery of a relationship after a very dark and difficult period in which you are just not getting along. With any of the negative situations you or someone close to you may be dealing, healing and forward movement are most definitely possible when this card turns up, but it may take some extreme measures to get to that point such as counseling, group support or the assistance of a disinterested third party. For romantic partners, that would include couples’ counseling. For families, it would be something akin to parenting classes, etc. For financial matters, maybe enlisting the services of a certified accountant or money manager. Help and support are always available to each of us in some form, but sometimes we may have to actively seek it out. The most important step, though, is admitting we need it then simply allowing it to happen.
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