Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
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Tarot Card Draw #1: Knight of Wands reversed
The Knight of Wands reversed is a card indicating lack of motivation, or setbacks you might be experiencing while working toward a specific goal. You have likely been delayed recently in your efforts to achieve something, and have been feeling rather discouraged. This card in your tarot draw serves to remind you to keep pushing forward, despite the obstacles being tossed in your path. This card can also indicate someone who is incredibly arrogant, and serves as a reminder to remain humble. Do not let your ego be too large, or it could have negative consequences. In your relationship, the Knight of Wands reversed indicates you are someone who possesses the above mentioned qualities, or that your partner possesses these qualities. This card indicates abuse, control, narcissism, or some other negative atmosphere in your relationship that needs to be overcome. Be careful, as this card could serve as a warning to leave your relationship before your situation worsens. In your career, the Knight of Wands reversed indicates you have experienced frustration lately in your work, as you feel you are working towards a final goal and simply cannot make any progress. This card also could indicate you have been trying to obtain a new job or promotion, and have been continuously rejected and are beginning to feel defeated. It is important to keep pushing and working towards your career goals, and soon you will find yourself in a more satisfying and fulfilling position. .
Tarot Card Draw #2: Six of Pentacles
The Six of Pentacles in your tarot card is indicative of kindness and generosity. You are likely to soon receive a generous gift of some sort, or someone in your life has been incredibly generous recently. This generosity could include money, tangible gifts, or even just time or affection. The Six of Pentacles could also indicate a generous and giving heart within yourself, meaning that you are someone who goes above and beyond to help others around you. This card also sometimes indicates someone who has power over others, and is very much in control of themselves. In your relationship, the Six of Pentacles indicates two partners who are generous towards each other, going above and beyond to provide for each other’s needs and making sacrifices for each other. Your relationship is in a positive place, and you and your partner have done a great job learning to work with each other and properly showing affection towards each other. In your career, you have possibly been seeking a change or promotion, or may be just starting a new business venture. The Six of Pentacles is a great card to receive in a career reading, as it indicates you will become more successful than you anticipate, and will find yourself in a much better position than you envision.
Tarot Card Draw #3: The Fool
The Fool is a card indicative of change and adventure. You will find yourself having new experiences, visiting a new place, or doing something new with your life. This is a card indicative of positive change, and moving forward with something fun and exciting in your life. If you have been considering traveling lately, or have been contemplating an exciting change in your life, now is a great time to just go for it. However, The Fool also warns you to be cautious and mindful before just jumping into anything new, and ensuring you have all of your bases covered before you just dive in. In your relationship, this card indicates that something new will happen for you soon. Your partner might surprise you with a fun and exciting new gift, or you could soon be taking a major step forward in your relationship. You also might have been contemplating your own positive step forward in your relationship, in which case The Fool has come up in your tarot draw urging you to take a leap of faith, and you will be surprised with the outcome. In your career, you could be making a huge change in the near future, or could even be surprised with a promotion or some other kind of reward for hard work you have done. You are feeling energized, and able to work on more meaningful tasks and achieve better outcomes, and have become more driven lately to produce better work, and your efforts are not going unnoticed.
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