As we prepare for ending of this year and celebrate the many religious and holiday traditions associated with December, we also individually have arrived at a month of great reflection and soul searching. Many times in reflection and soul searching, we also ponder what we perhaps could have done differently to make the ending of our year more beneficial and prosperous for us.
With this, often come great sadness, anger, and frustration especially dealing with crisis. Just knowing that December is really the final culmination of the previous eleven months can be quite overwhelming. Within the month of December now upon us, also comes for a chance at new beginnings as well. This December offers a cornucopia of new directions, ambitious focus, and all things relating to family, love, and financial prosperity heading towards 2022, and especially well within the first quarter of the year ahead.
Embrace our shared universal existence
The vastness of our universe is preparing for these changes and directions as well. The astrological, metaphysical, and spiritual realms are now in assembly to assist us in making these changes and new beginnings as it has for millennia. Once we learn how to embrace and celebrate this universal existence, the sooner we will be taken out of darkness, and into the light of things yet to come. In the weeks ahead, I will be posting much more on the topics that are of most importance to each of you.
This is based on many of the calls and subject matters that I, as well as my fellow counselors have assisted you with in the months prior. These are unprecedented times we live in now, and because of this, we as counselors have collectively expanded our focus on other areas and subject matters as well, to bring better harmony and happiness we all so desire, and are deserving of.
Because we also live in the digital age, we are often overwhelmed by the events that are happening worldwide, as we have become a global society with greater access to knowledge. However, these times also bring up subject matters that sometimes bring us great despair and anxiety. Many times these sensory overloads spill into the harmonious balance of relationships where conflict most often occurs. Environmental aspects of our lives can deter from the progress in our understanding of whom and what we are, and how we are perceived by others.
Detangling difficulties in your life
There never is shame in admitting to being perhaps wrong in our views concerning loved ones, family, and friends. The entire month of December of 2021, is about bringing resolution to conflict. This month if allowed, dismantles whatever disparities you may be going through with prayer and soulful meditation. Each one of us here on 7th Sense can assist you in the “detangling” of events that may have brought you great distress by bringing you clarity, focus, and the kinetics’ needed to move forward this month and into the New Year with confidence and dignity. With the guidance and direction we at 7th Sense can provide you with, paths will be widened and lit with hope, love, and the happiness you are seeking. Whether it’s with the person you are currently with, or the new prospects moving forward, we will always be here for you 24/7.
“Life is full of endless possibilities in the end, and if you have not yet attained them, then it is not the end.”
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