Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
Tarot Card Draw #1: Two of Wands, reversed
The Two of Wands may come up reversed for you in a daily draw or tarot reading when you find yourself going through some rather troubling times, possibly brought on by your own poor choices or actions. It can also warn of such times to come in the near future. This card may represent a considerable delay or complete cancelation of a major trip or even relocation to a different country. It speaks of choosing to stay where you are and possibly avoid some negative consequences should you follow through with the plan as it was originally. It could indicate possibly missing out on something quite wonderful depending upon other cards in the spread or other aspects of your life when this card falls for you in a daily draw. The reversed Two of Wands may also indicate a fear of the unknown or of change as well as struggling to make a decision, any decision – big or small, but especially big. It is possible this card could indicate limited options or other restrictions being placed on you by any number of outside sources, possibly you are being held back from accomplishing what you have set out to do or be. This card frequently speaks of impending disappointment. Alternatively, the Two of Wands, reversed, speaks of you playing it safe and living a rather boring and stereotypical lifestyle. Lastly, the reversed Two of Wands may also herald the seemingly sudden and unexpected return of someone from your past.
Tarot Card Draw #2: Nine of Pentacles, reversed
Reversed Nine of Pentacles quite often represents a darker side of humanity, someone who may be using another (or others) solely for financial/material gain, someone who is incredibly deceitful and highly manipulative to get what they want, especially when it comes to financial or social status. The person being shown through this card will likely be very shallow and even come across as tacky or crass. They will be dishonest and use deceit to their advantage in any way possible. Their sole purpose could be to gain whatever (sometimes whoever) they desire through little to no effort on their own part other than to some how cash in at someone else’s expense. Some may even refer to this person as a con artist. If Nine of Pentacles reversed pops up in your daily tarot draw and you are not a person of means and/or status, then you need to take a very long, hard look at yourself in the mirror because this card may well be waving a red flag that you should change your ways and start following a more honorable path. People represented by reversed Nine of Pentacles often lack the confidence in themselves to make it on their own merit, so they choose to exercise easier ways to get what they want by flat out using other people. Anyone with wealth, means, connections and the like who draw this card in a daily, it is likely serving as a warning to be wary of those around you, especially anyone whom you have recently met. Alternatively, Nine of Pentacles reversed may be trying to bring to your attention how you may possibly be too focused on a singular aspect of your life, very likely work/business/money, and all other areas of your life may be suffering greatly. This card may also indicate greed, deceit; someone who is quite superficial, reckless or lacking grace, maturity or sophistication. For those in romantic relationships, this card could be a warning of a great imbalance in your relationship financially with one or both of you being overindulgent while expecting the other to pick up the tab all on their own.
Tarot Card Draw #3: The Magician
The Magician is a fantastic card for anyone to pull for their daily tarot draw. It speaks of you either already possessing the necessary skills, education and abilities to succeed well on your own merit or there is someone entering your life who could mentor you and teach you all that you need to know to be truly successful. The planets, stars, spirit guides, whomever or whatever is/are aligning and opening up some amazing ways for you to implement positive changes in your life. The Magician may also be indicating that you are entering an amazingly powerful time in your life when you have the ability to manifest almost anything you truly desire. In matters of the heart, for those already in relationships, The Magician heralds your relationship will reach a new level very soon with a deeper, stronger connection. This could mean engagement, marriage, becoming closer after a period of strain on your relationship. Single? The Magician speaks of a wonderful new romantic encounter with someone very well-suited to you who will also be desiring the same kind of romantic relationship you are. This new person will have good intentions and will honor and respect you as an individual as well as a serious, long-term romantic partner. If career and/or finances are heavy on your mind as you pull The Magician for your daily draw, expect new opportunities. It may also be time for you to step out on faith, take some chances but nothing crazy that could ultimately backfire. If you have been thinking about starting your own business, supplementing your existing business or even making suggestions to your current employer about how to improve their business, now is the time. Be bold, be brave. The Magician may also be trying to tell you that a great new opportunity to supplement your current income is within reach.
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