Cynthia Bailey, is she still a real housewife ?
News on the real housewives of Atlanta star Cynthia Bailey says that she has separated from her husband of five years, kind of putting things on hold so to speak. It does make you wonder if they go for divorce will she still be a real housewife? Or will they have to make a whole new series around real house Lady of Atlanta? Oh well, it’s never good news when you hear of people breaking up, so I’m hoping they can build a bridge over their troubled waters.
There have been no secrets about the problems in the relationship over the years, but then if they put any relationship under the microscope that is TV, how many cracks would you see in the foundations? It’s never easy on Celebrity Street trying to maintain your everyday life while minor, or major indiscretions are not just hammered out by the two of you, but by the whole country.
Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.
What do the cards say about the relationship? The cards drawn were: The Ten of Coins, The Strength Card, and The Three of Cups. These cards indicate that perhaps some time apart is what is needed so they realise the value of what they have got. Pride can play a big part in stopping progress when someone is hurting, so they need to try to put that on the shelf for a while. Three is never a good number in the house of love, but they should not let outside interference break something they value. I would hope they will take this and work at it. Something in here is worth saving.
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