Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
Tarot Card Draw #1: Ten of Pentacles
At first glance, the Ten of Pentacles gives off a peaceful, loving energy. The man and woman looking peacefully over their new baby, while their young child plays with a small animal nearby. Imagine the feeling you would have in this moment. You’d likely feel very comfortable, at peace, as though your life is going exactly the way you want it to go. Thus, the Ten of Pentacles represents peace and stability in your life. Your foundation is quite stable at this time, and you will be able to move forward comfortably. This stability could be related to your romantic life, finances, home, career, education or any aspect of your life, or it could also be a culmination of all aspects. If you have recently begun a new venture, you can be assured that it will be successful, and you are moving in the right direction. This could be a small venture (such as opening an account with a new bank), or it could be a big venture (such as switching to a new career). If you have recently felt any hesitation, you need to relax and let that feeling subside. Your path is clear, and you are now able to continue forward with confidence. If you are seeing this card in the context of a love reading, your relationship is built on a solid foundation. If you have been considering moving forward in your relationship and increasing your commitment, now is the perfect time to do so. If you are already fully committed (already married and/or with shared children), it is acceptable to relax a little bit and allow your relationship to continue to grow. Your partner is faithful, and you have built a solid foundation together on which you can both begin to improve yourselves, individually and together. If you have recently moved into a new home, switched careers, or something similar, you have made an excellent choice. Whether you have experienced instability in the past, or you are simply trying to establish or improve yourself, this is a step in the right direction. You will soon begin to notice more aspects of your life falling into place as you move forward.
Tarot Card Draw #2: Page of Pentacles
The young man depicted on the Page of Pentacles clutching his pentacle appears to be deep in thought, possibly contemplating how far he has come as is evident by the many hills behind him which are indicative of struggle and overcoming obstacles. Our young man may also be contemplating where to go from here or how much further he has to go to reach his goal. This will all be determined by what is going on in your life, specifically. When the Page of Pentacles comes up for you in a daily draw, it indicates good news is on its way to you pertaining to any number of things such as business, property, work/career, schooling or money. It can also suggest good results regarding your physical well-being. This card may also turn up for you indicating the need to plan ahead as well as urging you to fully lay out your plans before embarking upon a new, large venture such as starting your own business, building a home or making any significant change of any kind. Form a solid plan then wholeheartedly jump in with both feet. With a well thought out plan as well as focused and determined efforts, anything is possible.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Ace of Cups, reversed
The Ace of Cups coming up reversed speaks a lot about the last two years and how socializing, big celebrations, concerts and all other fun activities came to a screeching halt. Reversed Ace of Cups is rather negative and will often pop up as a warning that some bad news is coming your way, or it is quite possible an upcoming social event you are planning to attend will be cancelled. For lovers, it may herald a broken engagement or a romance you have been enjoying will soon be coming to a very bad end. Also, regarding matters of the heart, reversed Ace of Cups may be showing up for your daily Tarot draw because you have been holding yourself back from your partner emotionally. This card speaks of how we often allow past hurts in relationships to hold us back from fully trusting or opening up to a new partner. This is something you must work on if you desire to ever have a healthy romantic relationship. For you single folks, reversed Ace of Cups may be popping up for you today to indicate you are reaching a bit high in your pursuits of love and it is entirely possible you are holding some unrealistic expectations of a potential romantic partner. While high expectations are great, you have to be rooted in reality and reassess what it is you are currently expecting/desiring. This card can also be a heads-up that you are holding back emotionally from a partner, or you are being way too analytical in your pursuits of love. This card also speaks a lot about socializing, or rather the desire to NOT socialize right now. Nothing wrong with that, just do not allow yourself to become completely antisocial. Maybe just take a bit to check out for a week or a few days to refresh and regroup before jumping back out there. The Ace of Cups reversed is also not a great card to draw for those seeking a new job/promotion or hoping to get some kind of loan approved. This just is not the right time to make any of that happen. It also denotes a block in the creativity for you artsy types. Lastly, this heavy card speaks of how you may be struggling to connect with your own spirit guides and higher power; you are having trouble trusting your own intuition right now. Take some time to get yourself back on track and clear away all of the negative energy this reversed Ace of Cups speaks of.
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