Having done more than 800 readings with 7th Sense, five-star Featured Reader for November, CarrieBelle at extension 336, is a fourth generation Psychic. She believes her Clairvoyance and Clairaudience are both gifts and abilities said, “I was given a gift to be able to tap into ways of knowledge that many can’t, through an awareness that was passed down through family members.” She continues to grow and develop her gift through use.
First psychic experience
CarrieBelle (x336) said she was lucky because she has a family of very spiritual people. “My mother’s family are Native American and Franco-Germanic, my father’s side are Baptist spiritualists.”
She remembers having her first psychic experience around the third grade when she astral travelled into her grandparents’ house. She spoke with her mother the next day about this experience and was told what she saw during her astral travel was exactly the surroundings in her grandparents’ home and said, “Then I realized I had really visited them!”
From then on, she knew things before they happened including the call bringing the news of her grandfather’s passing.
Starting to read tarot cards at age 16, CarrieBelle would do readings for her friends. “Many were just shocked at the accuracy and information I was able to convey to them,” she said.
CarrieBelle (x336) is always working with the cards while using crystals for cleansing and focus. She uses pendulums to help her find things she has lost, and she spends some of her time researching various techniques. She regularly meditates over a random single card to allow the meaning to be fresh in her mind, she also reads about crystals and spends time meditating to speak with her spirit contacts.
CarrieBelle’s gifts
CarrieBelle’s style of reading is conversational, and she said she speaks with callers in such a way that they feel so comfortable that it is as though they are talking with an old friend. Among her specialties, CarrieBelle (x336) is able to help callers with career and work concerns as well as communicating with callers’ deceased loved ones.
Along with her Clairaudient ability and Clairvoyance, she is able to help callers with Spiritual Guidance as well.
CarrieBelle (x336) said, “I love using my Spirit Connections because I will get answers through images and words that I wasn’t expecting.” She once had a client call seeking career advice and, “I let him know that I had a vision of seeing him in an office setting, doing some sort of legal work.”
“It turned out that he had retired from a legal field position, and it helped us connect to what he could do for post-retirement income.”
Another customer wanted some information on his love life. CarrieBelle (x336) let him know, “that I was told about a dinner he was at in a pub setting and that I saw him having a warm conversation with a woman.” According to CarrieBelle, the man validated the reason for his call in that he had called because at a recent business mingle, he had a wonderful time with that woman.
CarrieBelle’s most intense psychic experience
CarrieBelle spoke on one of her most intense psychic experiences when communicating with deceased loved ones. She first heard her grandmother speaking to her and the two of them went on to have a conversation during which her grandmother asked, “Wait, you can hear me?” Her grandmother, taking advantage of the vessel provided in CarrieBelle (x336), proceeded to tell her information for her mother who then validated the information and felt connected as well.
“After my father died was the first time I have seen into the other side, as if a door opened,” said, CarrieBelle. She and her father had a similar conversation to that she had with her grandmother. Her father expressed shock that the “door” was open, “But we talked about how my brothers were doing and he told me to share that it was okay for them to cry,” said 7thSensePsychics.com September Featured Reader CarrieBelle (x336). She went on, “My mother again validated that neither of my brothers had cried at all since the day of my father’s death.”
Having developed an ability to detect the energy flow between people, CarrieBelle can see how the flow is working between them. “Using that skill in conjunction with astrology,” she said, “I have been able to help many people work through relationship issues and see what tools will help them through rough patches.”
When speaking of being a reader with 7th Sense, CarrieBelle (x336) said, “Being a psychic and giving readings to our clients is a way of helping people through some of life’s hardest moments. The work is emotionally and mentally hard but also rewarding. I do it with honor and compassion for each person.”
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