Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
Tarot Card Draw #1: King of Cups
When looking into a specific potential romantic partner and the King of Cups turns up, you are on the right track with this new person and they deserve a bit more of your time and attention as they look to be an excellent partner, good person, honest and sincere. There is one small concern though if financial security in your romantic partner is important as many people with the emotional capacity represented by this card often lack the professional drive and ambition to build a solid financial base. The King of Cups also speaks of the wisdom (not the same as knowledge), compassion and open nature of people. If you have been struggling to find more of a balance between your heart and head or maybe between work and home life and the King of Cups shows up in your daily draw, he is there to tell you to stop struggling and relax then that desired balance will seemingly come naturally. The same applies if you have been working to gain more control over your own emotions. He is also speaking of letting go of things beyond your control. This kind gentleman touches on you advancing toward a deeper level of emotional or mental maturity, as well as expanding your creative side or possibly discovering a completely new and hidden talent you never knew you had. He is also urging you to rely more on your own intuition as it is growing and developing naturally on its own. The King of Cups also represents an excellent life partner if your goal is to build a solid family unit with someone who will always be by your side, a loyal, lifelong partner. Regarding professional or scholastic concerns, the King of Cups is indicative of a more mature masculine energy (male or female) who will be key in your advancement in either pursuit as a mentor or leader. This royal gentleman also urges you to call upon your own diplomatic abilities to work through any adverse situation involving other people be it professional or personal much like a mediator. Lastly, he speaks of careers in healthcare, both traditional and alternative, as well as artistic pursuits.When looking into a specific potential romantic partner and the King of Cups turns up, you are on the right track with this new person and they deserve a bit more of your time and attention as they look to be an excellent partner, good person, honest and sincere. There is one small concern though if financial security in your romantic partner is important as many people with the emotional capacity represented by this card often lack the professional drive and ambition to build a solid financial base. The King of Cups also speaks of the wisdom (not the same as knowledge), compassion and open nature of people. If you have been struggling to find more of a balance between your heart and head or maybe between work and home life and the King of Cups shows up in your daily draw, he is there to tell you to stop struggling and relax then that desired balance will seemingly come naturally. The same applies if you have been working to gain more control over your own emotions. He is also speaking of letting go of things beyond your control. This kind gentleman touches on you advancing toward a deeper level of emotional or mental maturity, as well as expanding your creative side or possibly discovering a completely new and hidden talent you never knew you had. He is also urging you to rely more on your own intuition as it is growing and developing naturally on its own. The King of Cups also represents an excellent life partner if your goal is to build a solid family unit with someone who will always be by your side, a loyal, lifelong partner. Regarding professional or scholastic concerns, the King of Cups is indicative of a more mature masculine energy (male or female) who will be key in your advancement in either pursuit as a mentor or leader. This royal gentleman also urges you to call upon your own diplomatic abilities to work through any adverse situation involving other people be it professional or personal much like a mediator. Lastly, he speaks of careers in healthcare, both traditional and alternative, as well as artistic pursuits.When looking into a specific potential romantic partner and the King of Cups turns up, you are on the right track with this new person and they deserve a bit more of your time and attention as they look to be an excellent partner, good person, honest and sincere. There is one small concern though if financial security in your romantic partner is important as many people with the emotional capacity represented by this card often lack the professional drive and ambition to build a solid financial base. The King of Cups also speaks of the wisdom (not the same as knowledge), compassion and open nature of people. If you have been struggling to find more of a balance between your heart and head or maybe between work and home life and the King of Cups shows up in your daily draw, he is there to tell you to stop struggling and relax then that desired balance will seemingly come naturally. The same applies if you have been working to gain more control over your own emotions. He is also speaking of letting go of things beyond your control. This kind gentleman touches on you advancing toward a deeper level of emotional or mental maturity, as well as expanding your creative side or possibly discovering a completely new and hidden talent you never knew you had. He is also urging you to rely more on your own intuition as it is growing and developing naturally on its own. The King of Cups also represents an excellent life partner if your goal is to build a solid family unit with someone who will always be by your side, a loyal, lifelong partner. Regarding professional or scholastic concerns, the King of Cups is indicative of a more mature masculine energy (male or female) who will be key in your advancement in either pursuit as a mentor or leader. This royal gentleman also urges you to call upon your own diplomatic abilities to work through any adverse situation involving other people be it professional or personal much like a mediator. Lastly, he speaks of careers in healthcare, both traditional and alternative, as well as artistic pursuits.
Tarot Card Draw #2: Eight of Swords
When the Eight of Swords turns up in your daily draw or a tarot spread, it is often to bring your attention that you are holding yourself in a rather negative situation. You may be unknowingly holding yourself back or choosing to stay in this bad place out of fear, indecision or a lack of confidence to move forward. In addition to fear – possibly unfounded –, the reversed Eight of Swords speaks of anxiety, paranoia and other mental/psychological problems. This card may come up when you find yourself feeling cornered, trapped or in a bad situation with no clear way out. You may be feeling lost, helpless and completely without hope. You have given up your power and feel as though you are being held against your will to some extent be it physically, mentally or emotionally, but mainly mentally. This card could also turn up when you feel others may be judging you, quite possibly harshly or without merit. As you find yourself in any of these negative situations, keep in mind the initial message of the Eight of Swords: you are keeping yourself in this situation. Step back and try to look at things more objectively to try and understand why you are doing this to yourself then take corrective action to rectify or clear up the negative situation and ultimately turn it to your advantage. Lastly, the Eight of Swords could warn of looming legal consequences, quite possibly severe.
Tarot Card Draw #3: The World, reversed
The two most basic meanings behind The World reversed are stagnation and wasted efforts. If you have reached an impasse in any kind of relationship or if you have been working toward a specific goal but are getting nowhere, The World reversed may come up for you in a daily draw to bring your attention to this. You need to realize that things simply are not working in a specific situation and either change your tactics or just let it go. All too often, we tend to allow some relationships to stagnant or become stale because we unknowingly stop putting in the effort to keep things exciting or do not challenge ourselves to be more engaged with the other person. This can speak on any relationship in your life be it friendly, familial or romantic. We need to always be present and engaged in order to maintain a good, solid connection with select others. When it comes to projects that simply are not going anywhere, The World reversed could be trying to bring your attention to anything from work to achieving a specific goal or a hobby. Pretty much anything that is intended to ultimately benefit you at some point. We occasionally get stuck and begin repeating actions or behaviors that simply are not working. Once you realize that your current efforts are in vain, you can decide to either try a different plan of attack or just give it up. When this card comes up, it is always in reference to one specific relationship or project rather than a broad spectrum of problems in various areas of our lives. It is possible that you have tried to take the easy way out in a situation such as cutting corners for whatever reason and now it is biting you on the butt. Maybe you have been working toward a specific goal and it simply is not progressing. The World reversed will come up to bring this to your attention as you may not realize how much time and failed effort you have put in. It is possible that you find yourself feeling stuck in a dead-end job or relationship. It is just time to cut your losses and move on.
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