Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
Tarot Card Draw #1: Nine of Wands, reversed
The Nine of Wands reversed in your tarot draw indicates someone who is stubborn, or just refuses to be proven wrong or makes personal sacrifices. This person is sometimes very difficult to be around but can also simply be someone who basically won’t take no for an answer and might even force generosity on someone even if they are resistant. This person is likely mentally exhausted from chronic persistence, and sometimes just does not have much strength to keep pushing. If the Nine of Wands reversed represents you, it might be presenting itself in your tarot draw as a warning to take a break, focus some on yourself, and to relax a little bit. Allow others to do things for you, be more open to suggestion, and to try to be a little more open minded. If you are seeking guidance for your love life and are in a relationship, you or your partner might possess the above qualities and they could be causing problems in your relationship. If it is you who is stubborn and/or becoming exhausted, you need to allow your partner to express themselves a little more openly and start to bend to their needs a little bit more before anything negative happens in your relationship. If your partner is stubborn and difficult to be around, the Nine of Wands reversed might be presenting itself in your tarot draw to warn you to take a step back and create some distance between you and your partner. It could be a warning that their personality is becoming increasingly worse, or that you could be becoming less tolerant, or some combination of both. You could be experiencing increasing difficulties in your relationship, and need to either distance yourself or break off the relationship completely before one or both of you is hurt. If you are seeking a relationship, this card could indicate that you have been guarded for quite some time, which has made it difficult for a partner to break through. It is time to break down your barriers so that a viable partner can enter your life. If you are seeking career guidance, the Nine of Wands reversed likely indicates some kind of frustration with your career, or a particular project you have been working on that seems to be making no progress. You should take some time to reevaluate your purpose and refocus on the aspects of your career that are most important.
Tarot Card Draw #2: Eight of Cups
The Eight of Cups shows us a lost and broken woman choosing to walk away from the opportunities represented by the neatly stacked wine chalices behind her as well as the full moon which could potentially light the way for her. This card quite literally speaks of the many choices each of us has but are often oblivious to. She could expend the effort to turn around, climb the stairs to opportunities and a better, more positive and fulfilling life. Instead, she is choosing the easier path – the path of least resistance — thus leading to negativity, disappointment and despair. Sometimes opportunity is just behind us and all we need to do is choose to turn and look. This card showing up for you today is urging you to open your eyes wide and look all around for untapped opportunities and potential. At times, you may be holding yourself back due to self-limiting beliefs. Shake those off and know that pretty much anything is possible with the right mindset. I often hear people asking when something good is going to happen in their lives. My answer is always the same: Something good will happen when you make it happen. Be more proactive and take charge of your own life. Make something good happen.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Three of Swords, reversed
When the Three of Swords appears reversed in your tarot draw, this indicates a time in which you are overcoming obstacles, heartbreak, and sadness. You have likely been experiencing a lengthy period of pain and sadness and you are now putting that behind you and moving forward to a better and brighter future. It is difficult to overcome these feelings of depression, heartbreak, and sadness so you should seek guidance or counseling from someone who is able to help you recover and become a more positive and upbeat version of yourself. In your romantic life, if you are in a relationship, the Three of Swords reversed indicates that you have been experiencing some conflict in the relationship, and you are finally coming to a peaceful resolution. This could indicate a period in which you and your partner seemed to argue constantly, or one of you might have been unfaithful and/or deceptive which caused an incredible strain on your relationship. A peaceful resolution is upon you, and while this usually indicates forgiveness and moving forward to a better and more fulfilling relationship, this can also sometimes indicate a peaceful break from the relationship which is mutually agreed upon with minimal conflict. If you are looking for a relationship, the Three of Swords reversed indicates that you are finally on the verge of healing from your past trauma and relationships and are in a much better position mentally and emotionally to begin a more viable relationship. In your career, the Three of Swords reversed indicates a conflict at work or a generally stressful work environment, that is now being rectified. You might have been feeling tension between coworkers that is being resolved, or you could just feel intense pressure at work that is finally being relieved.
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