Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston rebound or not ?
Rumours are flowing about the relationship between Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift. No one doubts Tom’s intentions or Taylors for that matter, but is it too soon for Taylor? Taylor has only recently split from Calvin Harris and there are those who feel that she may be feeling a little low, which has her warming for Tom to comfort a broken heart. I really hope not, as she deserves a break.
In every relationship breakup there is always a victim, even with the most amicable of separations and in this one, it appears to be Taylor at the receiving end. The problem with being in the lens of the public camera is that every move you make is taken for what it looks like and not what it is. So perhaps Tom is just a comforting friend, who got a bit over friendly and is making Taylor feel wanted again. Either way, I hope she finds happiness soon if she hasn’t already.
Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.
What do the Cards Say? Let’s take the Duo and read for them. Taylor drew the Six of Coins, the Magician and the Emperor Cards. Now I know these are early days yet, but according to the cards, this couple can make it all the way.
The Six of Coins shows a friend in need, as Taylor is and Tom is there when she needs him. Don’t underestimate the value of this. The Magician card shows they have many options on where to go with this and both are old enough to know where they are going in the future. The Emperor Card sees that at the moment, there is no reason this relationship should not last the pace. The energy between them is good, calm, and warm. Perhaps destiny decided Calvin wasn’t the one for her and brought Tom to bring magic into her life. Can I predict a long relationship? Yes, it appears they can last the pace perhaps even a little Hiddleswift in 2018? The potential is great. Watch this space.
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