Orange is the New Black – will Lolly get the help she needs?
Season 4 of Orange is the New Black saw lolly becoming more and more lost. It was quite obvious to anyone looking that she was not a well woman. She was accused of killing Aydin and still believes she did when in fact it was Alex who on returning to the garden house killed Aydin after finding him alive. Poor Lolly was sent to psych but not receiving the help she needs and without that will the truth ever be revealed?
We know that Poussey won’t be back unless they find a good medium, as even in soap-land dead means dead. We do however hold out hope for poor lolly. Perhaps it’s our belief that good will always overcome evil and the down trodden will rise to win the day that has us clinging to this hope. Who knows what the future will brings but maybe the cards will?
Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.
What do the cards say about Lolly? The Three of Wands shows the interference of the third party into what was already a difficult time for her. The knight of Coins points to someone who has important information which could sort this. It would appear to be a male who holds the key so to speak. The Temperance Card says justice will be seen to be done. Well, let’s just wait and see what evolves.
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