Don’t take Rihnna’s coconuts!

Rihanna has recently revealed the secret to her glossy mane, pearly whites, and general healthy demeanour.
She is the latest to join other celebrities in attributing coconuts for their re-hydrating properties, weight loss, and brain power! Even Gwyneth Paltrow swears by the properties of coconuts. They must be good!
It does help to have the fundamentals to start with, which the Barbadian beauty has in copious quantities.
Rihanna’s been a busy girl recently. She is due to start filming on Ocean’s 8 later this year alongside an all-star female cast.
Earlier this year Rihanna was awarded the 2016 MTV Video Vanguard Award. A lifetime achievement award at 28 years old. Has she peaked rather early I wonder?


Véronique’s Verdict

Rihanna drew the Strength Card, the Princess of Pentacles and the Seven of Wands. Strength shows that Rihanna has faced many fears over the years. She will continue to do so in a calm and graceful manner integrating both mind and body. The Princess of Pentacles shows that she is now learning to trust her instincts, applying practical knowledge diligently with deliberation. The Seven of Wands shows that Rihanna will continue to trust her own judgement knowing that forbidding and difficult situations will be handled correctly despite any fears that she may have. I feel there is much more to come from this young lady and she is wished the best on her journey.




Diana-Julie is an international life coach and spiritual counselor.  She has worked with numerous people globally in their quest for personal empowerment and manifestation of dreams. A Reiki Master and natural healer, her personal passions of writing and spirituality serve to assist in removing obstacles for those seeking her guidance.

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