Why the WWE have suspended Eva Marie & Paige.
The Olympics draws our minds to all things sports related. It also brings out the best and the worst in sport across the world. At its best, you have honest judges, hardworking Athletes and great results with at least some medals for your country. At the worst, you have doubtful decisions, failed drug tests and accusations of improper conduct. People will be people. There are good and bad in all countries and all sections of every community, so when it comes to people, one bad apple should not spoil the barrel.
The WWE have decided to suspend some of its participants. Total Divas stars Eva Marie and Paige, AKA Saraya-Jade Bevis and Paige’s boyfriend Alberto Del Rio. All of whom have been suspended for 30 days. There has been no mention or sign of health issues with any of the stars. This, unfortunately, leaves the suspicion wide open for drug abuse accusations.
The WWE website claims the talent policy is:
“WWE Talent, Wellness Program is administered independently by world-renowned medical and professionals and include cardiovascular testing, Impact testing, for brain function, Substance abuse, and drug testing”
Well, we will wait and see if there are any further developments. We can only imagine what it is like when the eyes of the nation are fixed on you and are expecting a performance without failure. Even the most honest could be swayed in order to live up to what their people expect. People are not very forgiving when you fail to entertain, regardless of what is happening in your world.
Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.
What do the cards say? The first card up is the Nine of Cups. This card is the love and devotion to things that we love. It is about nurturing things to bring them to perfection, just like a mother does to her child. Just like a mother to child, you would be willing to do anything to protect it. This speaks of all athletes, not just those mentioned in the article. No athlete can become the best at what they do unless they adapt this attitude.
The Chariot Card is the card that shows how difficult it is to keep on track. Both physically and mentally and to maintain the drive that started you on the journey. The Nine of Wands shows how sometimes things do go wrong with even the best-made efforts. I would not stand in judgement of someone who took a wrong turn here. As they feel obligated to produce only the best performance and they have been programmed to fear failure over everything else. My wish for them is that they take the 30 days to right what went wrong and that those who are following them, should judge less harshly and try to understand where they are in this whole sorry saga.
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