Enigmatic psychic’s son Billy Bob Thornton still drawing blood!
He may not be the prettiest boy in the playground but 61 year old six times married Billy Bob Thornton continues to make headlines with his appetite for seduction. Fidelity issues have followed him around for many years.
The former rock band drummer’s fifth wife was none other than Angelina Jolie. They were famous for exchanging vials of each other’s blood and wearing them as necklaces. Thornton reportedly wrote ‘Till the end of time’ by their bed in Jolie’s blood.
The marriage lasted for the obligatory Thornton’s two years and they went on to separate in 2002. At the time Thornton said that Jolie was too good for him and Jolie said that her ex could have been more honorable.
Amber Heard is the latest beauty to inadvertently draw blood from an A-lister, although it wasn’t Billy Bob’s, rather it was former husband’s Johnny Depp. He reportedly inferred infidelity between Amber and Billy Bob, writing on a mirror with a mixture of blood and paint. Clearly the sexagenarian silver fox is capable of rousing one of Hollywood’s finest into a jealous rage. He was named in Heard’s divorce papers although Thornton and Heard deny any impropriety.
Thornton and Heard co-star in London Fields. Johnny Depp has an uncredited part in the film.
Thornton married his sixth wife, Connie Angland in 2014. They are parents to 11 year old Bella. It seems to be working for them and Billy Bob has offered assurances to Connie that there is no substance to Johnny Depp’s accusations.
Véronique’s Verdict
Billy Bob drew the Six of Pentacles, the Six of Hearts and The Lovers, which is the sixth card in the major arcana. The six of Pentacles signifies generosity in all senses of the word. There is a confidence and maturity within this card. I feel that Billy Bob gives of himself freely and there is an abundance that is returned to him. Although material wealth is indicated, money merely offers freedom of choice here. Billy Bob has an abundance of memories and these are indicated in the six of hearts. There is a sense of non-critical innocence and love is undemanding.
The lovers is very much a card of balance within relationship’s, and though the lover’s card can imply that a love affair is in progress, the choice is not always romantic or sexual, it may be between two allurements. I do feel that there is a sense of ignoring the partner who holds him in true love’s light in order for Billy Bob to look at another. In numerology, the energy around the six’s can be about rescuing the damsel in distress. There continues to be a magnetism within him and by his own admission, women are drawn to him. I sense that Billy Bob is happy to conduct his life in the same manner as he always has. Accusations of infidelity, real or perceived are an occupational hazard. I feel that Billy Bob will continue on his current path in the manner that has served him for many years.
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