Beyonce and Jay-Z. To divorce or to renew, which will it be?
The songbird and her rapper husband have met with many challenges over the past few years since the infidelity rumor’s raised their ugly heads. We then had the elevator incident with Béy’s sister Solange; the naming and shaming. Béyonce gave the ultimate response with her Lemonade album. As a couple Beyonce and Jay-Z come across flawlessly in public and they’re obviously seasoned experts in addressing anything media related. There is now a new rumor doing the rounds. Are the superstars about to renew their wedding vows? If this is the case then it will put to bed everything that has gone before.
Jay-Z has reportedly spent around $20million in an effort to win back his wife’s affections. Is this the rumor to end all rumor’s for the power couple?
Véronique’s Verdict
So what do the cards say? We have the Star, the King of Wands and the Eight of Pentacles. The star is a reminder that after the storm of life’s upheavals, there is a process of cleansing and purification within relationships and we now see peace after the storm. I feel that there is a sense of only dwelling on the pleasant for the superstar couple. To coin a phrase, they will continue to follow their own star as a couple.
The king of wands shows that Jay-Z is the perfect partner for his queen. There is a sense of maturity around him and a loyalty. I don’t think he will be rushing into any questionable situations in a hurry and he will handle himself in a gentlemanly manner moving forward. The eight of pentacles shows that they have both learned from past hurt and they are stronger as a result. Yes relationships can be hard work and they do not manage themselves, but this couple has nothing to lose and everything to gain by reconnecting in the best and most positive way for themselves.
Renewing vows is something that many married couples do for reasons personal to themselves. This is the dawn of a new day within a relationship that continues to be a work in progress. Well done both for overcoming adversity with dignity and grace!
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