Elle MacPherson poses with ex. Friends again?
Age defying Elle MacPherson was back in her native Australia to shoot a cover for the magazine that is her namesake, Elle Australia.
Elle was photographed with her 72-year-old ex-husband Gilles Bensimon. The french photographer took snaps of his supermodel ex-wife for Elle magazine 30 years ago. 1986 also being the same year that they married after meeting in 1984. Sadly the marriage didn’t last. They divorced 3 years later but they have remained close friends, proving that it is possible to stay friends with an ex and go on to have successful romantic relationships.
Elle went on to have a relationship with Arpad Busson resulting in her two sons, they separated in 2005. Love has not eluded Elle, she met her current husband, billionaire Jeffrey Soffer in 2009. As with all relationships, they experienced a few bumps in the road. They separated for a few months in 2012 but reconnected after he was injured in a helicopter accident going on to marry the following year.
Timing is key in all our relationships. Some people are meant for us long term and Elle is proof that a soulmate connection never dies even if the relationship dynamic changes. Yes, they are friends, but then they always were!
Véronique’s Verdict
Elle drew the Two of Swords, the Ten of Hearts and the Fool.
TheTwo of Swords shows Elle’s balanced and measured approach to her relationships. She understands that compromise is at the heart of all relationships, romantic or otherwise. Diplomatic to the end there is no judgement from this peace loving goddess. Elle has both inner and outer beauty and there is a natural humanitarian energy around her.
The Ten of Hearts reveals the core of Elle’s existence. Her Family is the most important thing to Elle and family comes first every time.
The Fool is the first card in the major arcana and it starts at zero, neither a plus or a minus the fool reinforces the energy of the previous two cards. This card know its truth, there is no hidden agenda just playful harmonious energy. Elle has faith in herself and understands herself very well and this has assisted her in maintaining long-term positive relationships. Keep up the good work Elle!
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