How does Nicole Richie feel about her biological parents?

We recently received a request from a reader regarding Nicole Richie and her biological parents. The request asked if Nicole was in contact with her biological parents and how does she feel about them. And they requested that we do a reading for Nichole. I have no problem doing a reading for Nicole. And while doing so, I will offer her the same respect to privacy as we would any client of 7th Sense Psychics. So in doing this, we must remain on the fringes of the things which are already public knowledge.

It is already known, that Nicole is not the biological child of Lionel Richie and Brenda Harvey Richie. The couple took the three-year-old Nicole on when her parents were struggling to provide for her needs. This shows two things.
(1) her parents loved her enough to do the right thing by their daughter, even at their own loss.
(2) That Lionel Richie and Brenda Harvey Richie have huge hearts and are kind people. Neither are at fault as all acted in the best interest of a child. This is a fact not lost on Nicole, as she is also now a Mother.

So back to the question the reader presented:

“Can you please do a reading on Nicole Richie and her biological parents i.e.

if she’s in contact with them and how she feels about them? Thank you.”

For Nicole, I drew the King of wands, The Hermit, and the Three of Cups. I’m thoughtful of the saying: “the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.”  Nicole is not cold or heartless with regards to her biological parents. And appears to have a deep understanding of their sacrifice.

I will address this directly to Nicole.

The King of Wands represents Lionel Richie, and the influence he has in your life, Nicole. In every way possible he is showing as Father. This is totally understandable.

The Hermit Card. The deep inner Nicole who knows how she feels but doesn’t say. It’s your private space. Yes, of course, you are aware of your biological parents. I feel there has been some contact and there is a mutual respect from both sides. But it is a very private place. Where you Nicole know as a Mother, that decisions regarding the welfare of your children. This is not always straight forward.

The Three of Cups shows a strong family connection between all. Although the Richie’s are represented as the parents.  Your biological parents “Peter Michael Escovedo and Karen Moss” will always be a part of your life.

To the client who requested this. Many thanks for your question.


As the 7th Son of a 7th Son, Vincent was born a Psychic, Clairvoyant and Healer according to Irish folklore. For decades, Vincent has used his gifts to help people from all walks of life find clarity, direction and purpose. Now he can help guide you.

1 Comment

  1. Thank you so much for answering. I appreciate it.