Khloe Kardashian is not happy!
Khloe Kardashian has now moved on from her challenging marriage and more recently has hooked up with younger man, 25 year old Tristan Thompson. The 32-year-old reality star appeared loved-up with her guy as they dressed up as comic-book characters Storm and Black Panther for Halloween. It’s still early days for their relationship but things have moved quite quickly for them. Khloe’s mother Kris Jenner has given the lovebirds the thumbs up describing them as ‘really cute’ together.
So what’s the problem? Khloe has recently slammed brother Rob Kardashian. Specifically, Khloe expressed her anger at Rob for leaving his pregnant girlfriend Blac Chyna alone for several days after a heated argument. She has also reprimanded her brother for missing their grandmother’s 82nd birthday party.
Apparently, Chyna showed up for the family party in San Diego and Rob? He blocked his whole family on social media and refused to take their phone calls. When the family eventually caught up with Rob, Khloe confronted his behaviour saying, ‘How dare you leave a pregnant woman? I don’t care if he is our brother, it is crazy how he is acting.’ She went on to ask sister Kim if she would be ok with Kanye West if he disappeared for five days, to which Kim replied,
‘No, I’d die!’
Khloe believes that Rob should learn to handle things better and deal with his problems rather than run away from them. He eventually admitted that he felt self-conscious due to his weight but that he needed to improve communications with his family. In the meantime, Blac Chyna has been embraced by the Kardashian sisters with things going in a more positive direction.
Has Rob helped ease family tensions with sister Khloe? Let’s see what the cards say.
Véronique’s Verdict
The siblings drew the Prince of Wands the Four of Hearts and the Two of Swords.
The Prince of Wands reveals an unpredictable energy. Rob is dealing with his issues in the best way he can and although he has shown much courage, a youthful self-centered energy takes over and leads him to abscond.
The Four of Hearts represents Robs reaction to emotional issues. At the first sign of conflict or dissatisfaction he withdraws. Obviously taking a step back has its place as long as this is communicated and he keeps people in the loop.
The Two of Swords shows that Rob strives to gain balance in his life. I feel that he appreciates the support that his family give but does find it overwhelming at times.
Rob’s relationship with his partner and his family is challenging for him. He should understand that he is worthy of their love and if he can challenge his emotions in a more positive manner then he will go a long way to being the responsible grown up that they all believe is within his grasp. Rob is wished the best through his challenges.
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