‘I married a Bigamist!’ says Guns N’Roses Slash.

According to reports, Rockstar Slash of Guns N’Roses fame wants a judge to say that his marriage did not exist following the 2013 wedding of himself and wife Perla. Apparently, Slash’s pearl of a wife was previously married for a month to Carlos Marty in 1993. Reports say that the marriage between Perla and Carlos did not end in divorce due to divorce documents not being properly filed.

Confused? So is everyone else. Yes indeed Mr Slash! Clearly, it’s convenient to now believe that he married a bigamist! Convenient now that divorce papers have been filed for the second time in four years.

Slash and Perla discovered the error following an application for dual citizenship for their son in 2009. At the time a judge finalized Perla’s divorce and made it retroactive from 1994. Slash believes that the error means he was never properly married to Perla, but apparently, there is a law for ‘Putative Spouses.’ Essentially this means that if a couple is of the belief that they are actually married to each other, then a judge can decide to legally divide their assets. And there are many assets to divide, millions of them in fact, but evidently, Slash wishes to slash Perla’s cut and has no desire to share.

In his legal documents, Slash, real name Saul Hudson, listed June 15th 2016 as the date of separation and cited the old chestnut of ‘irreconcilable differences’ as the reason for the split. Slash previously filed for divorce in 2010 but withdrew when he and Perla worked things out. Throughout their relationship Slash has publicly thanked his wife for helping him quit alcohol, drugs and smoking.

Let’s leave the last word to Perla, ‘I have no idea why he’s doing it. It’s hurtful and disrespectful to our children and I gave him 18 years of my life. Quite!

Véronique’s Verdict

The cards were dealt specifically focussing on the emotional perspective of the estranged couple. Slash and Perla drew the Ace of Hearts, the King of Hearts and the Princess of Pentacles.

The Ace of Hearts represents a new love into this complex situation. This card symbolizes divine love in a spiritual sense. I feel that there will be the opportunity for the couple to reconnect emotionally, there is a fated element in play and a sense that whichever path they choose to take they will end up in the same place.

The King of Hearts is Slash’s card. He is hurt and he is lashing out. Have his powers of intuition allowed him to read the true intentions of those around him. Slash has discovered something that he was not meant to see and he is not happy about it. I feel that he is struggling to express himself and so his inner turmoil has come out as loss of control.

The Princess of Pentacles represents Perla and the issue of money has raised its ugly head. Perla has worked as her husband’s manager for many years and evidently controlled all aspects of Slash’s world from his income to his detoxing and everything else in between. I feel that Perla has take one to many liberties with the coffers and this is now a problem. If they are able to work things out then I feel that Perla will prove herself to be reliable and trustworthy in the future.

From the cards drawn today, it is clear that Slash and Perla still love each other. I’m not convinced that the marriage will end in divorce for many reasons, money being one of them. No one is above the law and I feel that if a judge rules that the wealth is to be divided fairly then this may be a major factor in the future of the couple and whether they remain married. Good luck to both through this challenging time.


Diana-Julie is an international life coach and spiritual counselor.  She has worked with numerous people globally in their quest for personal empowerment and manifestation of dreams. A Reiki Master and natural healer, her personal passions of writing and spirituality serve to assist in removing obstacles for those seeking her guidance.

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