Weekly Celebrity Horoscope – Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift became famous for a reason. Not only is she creative in writing her own songs, she pours her heart and soul into them. Even if we don`t know anything about her background, her progress is still remarkable.

She is provocative, not scared of showcasing her true feelings and opinions, which is very rare nowadays. Honesty in the world of media isn`t always appreciated. But who could resist the sweet and innocent, yet often witty and always energetic singer?

But, of course, there is much more to her than just her past and her carrier. Let`s have a look at her birth chart to see what the planets can tell us about her personality.

Taylor has a huge heart, and she envelopes people in her love. No matter if she only met them for a second. She is curious about the world, and feels the need to be free. She often takes risks, her adventurous nature surfacing. Her ability to remember things is exceptional, however, this also means that she recalls bad things in great detail, too. And as such, she can hurt for a long time.

Now let`s see what is in store for her for the following seven days:

Psychic Timea`s Verdict:

Weekly Love Horoscope: This week is all about compassion and helping others. A loved one needs your advice and guidance, and helping them will put you in a good mood. Your spirit will be lifted throughout the week, leaving you feeling refreshed. Don`t forget, those who give get threefold. And it is about time that you get something good as well. Be prepared, as luck is on your side, which means that anything can happen. This is a slow process though, so don`t expect life-changing events this week.

Weekly Carrier Horoscope: You are even more creative now than ever, if that`s possible at all. Although commitment isn`t your thing, this week you don`t mind having duties. You appreciate all the benefits your carrier brings. You love what you do, and your passion is reflected in your work. Try to write everything down as the ideas flow. Keeping a pen and paper near your bed is a good idea this week. You might wake up inspired in the middle of the night.

Weekly Leisure Horoscope: This week finds you enjoying quiet pleasures. However, you need to be careful not to overindulge or overspend. Look within and find out what makes you turn to alternative ways to make you happy. Something is still missing, but it won`t be long now. You can`t influence things further, so sit back and relax. Enjoy what life has to offer!

Weekly Health Horoscope: You will be too conscientious, and this could cause lack of sleep and minor headaches. Let go of the day`s worries, and try to relax. Tomorrow is another day – this should be your motto for this week.


Timea is a Psychic and Intuitive Empath, who uses her natural gifts along with her studies in Traditional Reiki to guide you through the process of self-healing. She is here to help you awaken your inner self.

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