What made Ellen DeGeneres tear up?

Ellen DeGeneres is a household name not just across America, but in most English-speaking countries of the world. She has presented a down to earth, fun show, hosting celebrities an ordinary folk with the same warm friendly approach. With this she has endeared herself to many people across the world. Well, then it only stands to reason that she be given a top award by the outgoing president of the United States of America. A country she has represented across the world with such warmth and friendliness. On Tuesday November 22nd Ellen was awarded a medal of freedom by Barack Obama, and well deserved too.

To Ellen DeGeneres.
Ellen I can only talk from my own experience, having watched your show both in Ireland and in the United States and enjoyed every moment of it. I have seen your warmth come across the TV screen as though you were a family member just dropping in for a chat. You haven’t limited your show to celebrities only. You have talked to ordinary everyday folk, with the same level of interest and sincerity. If I was to sum it up I would say this is why people are drawn to you. Yes you did tear up at the ceremony, but that’s to be expected. It only shows the pain of your journey to get where you are today.

Let’s throw some cards out for you Ellen and see what they are saying is laying in your path.

The Three of Swords
As with all professionals, there will have been struggles along the way. No one can get through life without enemies, but they shouldn’t ruin your energy field. You have learned to walk your walk alone at times. Thankfully you have now got someone by your side to walk the journey but this wasn’t always the case. Those tears were a sign of pride for the struggles that were gone and a message to those on their way to keep fighting.

The Queen of Wands
This is your professional persona. You must be born to do what you do, it cannot be trained. Ellen the person. She who comes across the screens into the homes of many Americans across the country and to people across the world is a family member. Without realising it, you have shared their happiest and saddest moments. To them you are a Sister, Aunt and friend. Never underestimate the value of this.

The Ace of Cups
This card talks about issues of the heart. It is about the two of you and your journey together. There is a feeling of something new and wonderful coming into your lives. The month of March into April is favoured. Whatever it is, seems to have both of you smiling, so that’s always worth its weight in gold. 2 happy hearts can overcome anything in this world if they put their mind to it.

Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.

I’m sure there will be many across the world who will feel that you are fully deserving of this award. People across the world have switched your show on because it takes them somewhere they need to be. It makes them safe from what the world throws at them. How very fitting that Obama, just before he left office, was able to recognise the work you have done and award you for it. Karma appears to be lining up to bring good to your door in 2017. Be open to receiving, place no boundaries on its possibilities. Congratulations from all here at 7th Sense Psychics.








As the 7th Son of a 7th Son, Vincent was born a Psychic, Clairvoyant and Healer according to Irish folklore. For decades, Vincent has used his gifts to help people from all walks of life find clarity, direction and purpose. Now he can help guide you.

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