Tips for Making Decisions
Decisions, decisions! Is it hard for you to make up your mind? Determining the right direction can cause anxiety for many people, which is why they will turn to a psychic to assist them to the correct solution. Yes, an adviser may aid a client; however, the final choice is theirs.
What we need to remember is that no choice is wrong, for either way there is a lesson involved. Which hopefully will bring about soul growth. Yet, who among us desires a painful lesson filled with struggle? These six tips will guide you to process which is the best choice for you.
Ask your Higher Source to give signs of which direction would be for your highest good. Now, here’s the tough part – being patient, letting go, and observing the answer or signs.
Find a private spot where you will not be disturbed, sit in a comfortable seated position or lie down, and then ask, “Which path is the right choice for…” Breathe deeply, keep your thoughts as quiet as possible, while allowing the answer to pop up instead of forcing it.
Solution Dreams
Our dreams of the nighttime offer us insight on our next steps to take. Before you go to sleep, ask for a solution to a problem in your dream. This can be done by: praying to your Higher Source, stating your question to yourself or out loud, writing a letter for an answer to put under your pillow, repeating your choices over and over before falling asleep, or typing your dilemma on a smart phone, tablet, or laptop. It may take a night or two to receive an answer. Upon waking up from the dream – examine the dream’s action, feelings, and symbols for a clearer interpretation.
Good old-fashion investigation also works to sort out the confusion in your mind, whether that’s visiting the public library or Googling the answer. Besides using regular key words in Google, to aid in receiving precise information use the following in your search: pros and cons of reviews, complaints, or vs.
Pros and Cons List
I’ve always handwritten a pros and cons list using two separate columns on a piece of paper, although this can be done on your cellphone, tablet, etc. If you have more than one choice, create as many pros/cons columns as needed. Write the favorable qualities under the “pros column,” while listing the negatives under the “cons column.” Afterwards you will have a clear cut chart to enable you to make a decision.
Speak to an Expert
Seeking out a person knowledgeable in a particular area allows for accurate answers and information. Someone who has gone through an experience will give insight of whether or not this is the right path for you. Warning – be careful of asking too many people for the right choice, for all those different opinions will only cause more confusion to wade through.
(READ: How You Tell Your Life Story)
Pamela’s Verdict
Even after doing any or all of the above, there is a possibility of you deciding on the so-called wrong choice. Whatever you do, please don’t beat yourself over it. Rather chalk it up to a learning experience. Remember you’re only human; therefore, you learn through trial and error.
1 Comment
Im beung told by other so called physic that on may 5 its to be my turn around of good luck should i believe in this or is it just anothr hoax please help me my life is in a real bad way and im frastrated