Play Together to Stay Together?
The elusive long-term love affair… Who doesn’t wish to find ‘the one’ and, more importantly, keep the one?
Whether it’s meeting someone new or injecting a little ‘je ne sais quoi’ into an existing connection, the law of attraction states that if you’re looking for a long-term love relationship, then manifestation occurs in the areas in which you focus your energy. Essentially, if you become the person you want to attract, quite magically the (potential) one shows up, presenting their soulful face to you.
There’s a lot to be said for living in the moment, not looking beyond this instant, this hour, this day. But surely it is reasonable to consider a joint future and planning ahead.
Whatever the motivation for forward planning, the honeymoon period will end some time, the love goggles will be removed and you will have already jumped through the initial relationship hoops, necessary boundaries being in place and any red flags duly noted and addressed.
The transition from Goddess wearing killer heels to leisure suit and sneakers wearing ‘bestie,’ is always a fairly straightforward process. But still it’s true that the couples who play together, stay together…
What kind of play are we talking about?
Story continues below…
Well, it takes two to make it long term, an obvious fact but shared time engaging in stress free activities nurtures a positive potential long-term relationship. Being responsive and having an appreciation for what your significant other wants to do whilst coming from a place of authenticity, is a fast track method to building the closeness and longevity that many folks seek.
Whatever you’re into, vacations, rock concerts, cycling, parachuting…
There should be a shared understanding of why we would or wouldn’t want to share their favourite past time. However, we would like to support and so gain the emotional presence and desired closeness. Balance is the key. A relationship will always require work. An equal(ish) amount of give and take, lest resentment contaminates the good vibes.
When we fall in love, the feels travel through every fibre of our being. We’re not going through the motions, were demonstrating who we are, authentically and without expectation. It becomes not what we do for them, but who we are, what we stand for and how they feel about themselves when they are with us. And if our loved one wishes to do something special for us, let them.
Be the one that they want and need. And so, the law of attraction says we get back what we give, so long as our offerings are positive and come from a place of the higher self, then it has to be a good thing, right? It’s not necessary to give more to get more, but it is human nature to want to demonstrate our attractive attributes. If we can allow ourselves to just be, then our inner light will shine forth.
(READ: Signs Your Inner Goddess Is Awakening
Diana-Julie’s Verdict
A healthy relationship will nurture the positives that are already there. No overcompensating required. And if the abovementioned activities seem a little too much… seek beauty in the ordinary… Let food be the food of love since eating is an essential part of daily life… Whether it’s a swanky uptown restaurant or a picnic on the beach, we’re making memories… Memories we hope to be looking back on together, fondly, in many years to come.
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